Assessing executives differently in comparison with defined requirements and deriving reliable statement as to their suitability or a valid prognosis of future success is not just a profession, but a vocation for some. And one or the other is better suited for this profession than the one or the other (but that applies to every profession).
We now know very well what distinguishes good from less good management diagnostics. However, this steadily increasing knowledge is still used too rarely, perhaps even less.
aestimamus is highly interested in and aims to apply scientific knowledge and progress as well as own experience for the respective project success.
At this point, for the interested layman but also for the expert community one can find some from our perspective informative surveys and videos. There is some time required for dealing with them, but it is worth the time to invest:
(Sorry, not everything available in english)
Assessing executives differently in comparison with defined requirements and deriving reliable statement as to their suitability or a valid prognosis of future success is not just a profession, but a vocation for some. And one or the other is better suited for this profession than the one or the other (but that applies to every profession).
We now know very well what distinguishes good from less good management diagnostics. However, this steadily increasing knowledge is still used too rarely, perhaps even less.
aestimamus is highly interested in and aims to apply scientific knowledge and progress as well as own experience for the respective project success.
At this point, for the interested layman but also for the expert community one can find some from our perspective informative surveys and videos. There is some time required for dealing with them, but it is worth the time to invest:
(Sorry, not everything available in english)
Sehr informativ und unterhaltsam:
Prof. Dr. Uwe-P. Kanning zum Thema “Sprachanalyse”
Einen Artikel mit interessant aufbereiteten Fragen / Kritikpunkten in Sachen “Sprachanalyse” findet sich zudem unter:
Fragwürdige Testverfahren in der Personalarbeit:
Und auch hier bietet Prof. Dr. Kanning seinen Zuhörern (auf der Skepkon 2018, 10.-12. Mai in Köln) auf leicht verdauliche Art höchst wesentliches Wissen, welches, würde es bei der Auswahl von diagnostischen Instrumenten häufiger berücksichtig, den Einsatz vieler qua Augenschein und “bunter Bildchen” attraktiver, inhaltlich oft aber mehr als nur substanzlos daherkommender Tools zu verhindern helfen würde.

Digitalisierung der Management Diagnostik
(Plädoyer für einen kritisch-chancenorientierten Zugang)
Auch der Management-Diagnostik bieten sich über Digitalisierung per se zusätzliche Möglichkeiten. Es gilt jedoch, in Bezug auf die „Heilsversprechungen“ der häufig marketingtechnisch sehr hübsch verpackten Tools (aktuell sehr prominent das Thema „Sprachanalyse“) eine leider vielfach berechtigte Skepsis zu wahren (Christoph Aldering, 27.3.2019).

Prof. Dr. Heinz Schuler, einer der führenden Wissenschaftler im Bereich der beruflichen Eignungsdiagnostik, hat Ende 2017 den „Deutschen Psychologie Preis“ erhalten. Im Interview mit der Zeitschrift „Wirtschaft + Weiterbildung“ berichtet er über die beachtlichen Erfolge der Eignungsdiagnostik – und er warnt vor künftigen Gefahren.

Surprise surprise… Correlation analysis and associated pattern recognition work by using data from the past. And regarding past you can find correlations between gender (also body size, shoe size, etc.) and the likelihood of becoming a board member … Also for this reason, analyzing data has to be used to prepare and support decisions. In the end, however, it is important to orient to what you want to reach (see relevance of free will and reflections on ethical decisions). This article from Jeffrey Dastin supports staying careful with all that black boxes and when algorithms are just secret(s) (e. g. speechanalysis/Sprachanalyse…)

So mancher Mythos geistert durch die Personalabteilungen – gerade wenn es um psychologisches Wissen geht. Prof. Dr. Uwe P. Kanning klärt in seiner Kolumne über die Fakten auf. Heute: Was eine Sprachanalyse tatsächlich in der Personalauswahl leisten kann.