Method and Experience
The consultants of aestimamus and the methods used bring together many years of experience and practical expertise in management diagnostics with in-depth conceptual competence.
“We Appraise” is the motto of our work: It means quantifying the competences and potential of candidates professionally in comparison to a defined frame of reference. It also means – essentially and inherently – appreciating their unique individuality.
“Nobody can do everything. With this recognition in mind, we focus our efforts on appraising specialists and executives. For this purpose, we can draw on an extensive experience but also refer to state of the art knowledge and insights from research and development.” (Christoph Aldering).
Method and Experience
The consultants of aestimamus and the methods they employ bring together decades of expertise in management diagnostics.
“Appraise” is the motto of our work:
It means quantifying the competences and potential of candidates professionally in comparison to a defined frame of reference. It also means – essentially and inherently – appreciating the unique individuality (i.e. the wholeness) of the people we are working with.
Nobody can do everything. With this recognition in mind, we focus our efforts on appraising people. For this purpose, we can draw on an extensive store of experience and always refer to state of the art insights from research and development.